Jordan Lake Partnership is now
Triangle Water Supply Partnership!!!
We invite you to come and visit the new
Triangle Water Supply Partnership!!!
We invite you to come and visit the new
Jordan Lake Regional Water Supply Partnership

The Jordan Lake Regional Water Supply Partnership was created in 2009 by jurisdictions and water systems in the Triangle region with the primary purpose of jointly planning for the expanded use of available water supply in Jordan Lake.
The importance of water supply planning and development on a regional basis has taken on greater urgency as the Triangle region and the entire Southeastern United States have experienced two historically severe droughts since 2001. Joint planning and development of sustainable water supply is critical to the future of the region and state.
Objectives of the Jordan Lake Partnership –
Collaborate for Results
The Partners are committed to working collaboratively to enhance the sustainability and security of the region’s water supply resources through conservation and efficiency, interconnection, and coordinated planning and development of the Jordan Lake water supply.
The Jordan Lake Partnership recently won an award from the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-NC) for the Partnership's outstanding work in preparing the Jordan Lake Water Supply Plan. Read more here.
The National Association of Regional Councils Honors The Jordan Lake Partnership
The National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) presented its 2015 General Achievement and Leadership Awards recently and the Jordan Lake Partnership & Triangle Regional Water Supply Plan were one of its' recipients. To read the full press release, click here.
Jordan Lake photo credit: NMNC. Falls Lake along Mountains to Sea Trail. 2012. Downloaded from Used under Creative Commons noncommercial, nonderivative license. 14 Oct. 2012.
The importance of water supply planning and development on a regional basis has taken on greater urgency as the Triangle region and the entire Southeastern United States have experienced two historically severe droughts since 2001. Joint planning and development of sustainable water supply is critical to the future of the region and state.
Objectives of the Jordan Lake Partnership –
Collaborate for Results
The Partners are committed to working collaboratively to enhance the sustainability and security of the region’s water supply resources through conservation and efficiency, interconnection, and coordinated planning and development of the Jordan Lake water supply.
- The Partnership will demonstrate that local governments can work together in a cooperative fashion – within the region, with constituent organizations, with jurisdictions and water suppliers up and down stream, and with state and federal regulators – to create environmentally sustainable, secure and mutually beneficial water supply strategies for Jordan Lake.
- The Partnership is building on recent successes in coordinating local water shortage response efforts and year-round conservation measures in the Triangle region.
- The Partnership members will openly share information and jointly plan for a request to the State of North Carolina for a portion of available water supply in Jordan Lake.
- The Partnership members will seek opportunities to share in the costs and development of facilities to access water from Jordan Lake, such as an intake in the western portion of the lake.
- The Partnership will coordinate information from Partnership members to be used in planning for an increase in the allocation of currently available water supply in Jordan Lake and in compiling common information from local governments, such as conservation measures, expected growth in services areas, anticipated demand and other factors that will affect the region’s future water supply solutions.
- The Partnership will facilitate discussions with the State of North Carolina and the United States Army Corps of Engineers regarding a coordinated request for a portion of the currently available and unallocated drinking water supply in Jordan Lake.
- The Partnership will develop and coordinate communications with stakeholders interested in Jordan Lake water supply allocation issues.
- View the extended Memorandum of Understanding Supporting a Regional Partnership for Water Supply Planning and Potential Joint use of the B. Everett Jordan Reservoir.
The Jordan Lake Partnership recently won an award from the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-NC) for the Partnership's outstanding work in preparing the Jordan Lake Water Supply Plan. Read more here.
The National Association of Regional Councils Honors The Jordan Lake Partnership
The National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) presented its 2015 General Achievement and Leadership Awards recently and the Jordan Lake Partnership & Triangle Regional Water Supply Plan were one of its' recipients. To read the full press release, click here.
Jordan Lake photo credit: NMNC. Falls Lake along Mountains to Sea Trail. 2012. Downloaded from Used under Creative Commons noncommercial, nonderivative license. 14 Oct. 2012.